Healing From Within, Be Still And Know, 4th Edition
About Healing From Within, Be Still and Know, 4th Edition
Robert C. Brooksby DO
iUniversity, 2005 – Medical- 216 pages
“We were not taught in medical school about the spiritual/energetic aspect of our true nature; that I had to learn from my patients and the master healer Himself.” In Healing From Within, Be Still and Know, 4th Edition, Dr. Brooksby describes how we can reclaim and maintain our health when traditional medicine has failed us. Liberally peppered with case histories, Dr. Brooksby teaches us about our nature and how it’s possible to work with our intrinsic energies to help us heal. “Christ taught his disciples how to heal. We were supposed to have that knowledge, knowledge that has been lost to western cultures. It was not supposed to be a secret.” Additionally, in this fourth and final edition of Healing From Within, Be Still and Know, Dr. Brooksby discusses past life traumas and energetic entities and the impact of those on our health.
• “I enjoyed the book. It’s honest.”-Jim Jealous, D.O., F.A.A.O.
Member of the Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation and founder of the “Biodynamics” lectures on craniosacral osteopathic medicine.
• “I love this book. As a fan of craniosacral osteopathic work. I can personally validate the rich teachings in this book.”-Caroline Myss
Best selling author of Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can and Anatomy of the Spirit.
• “One of the greatest errors made by allopathic (MD) medicine is the rejection of osteopathic manipulative treatment. Not only did allopathic medicine reject osteopathy, but it does not even acknowledge the existence of craniosacral therapy! I personally have seen some of the miraculous types of healings described by Dr. Brooksby with craniosacral treatment. One young man who had very violent behavior over a three year period following an automobile accident was permanently cured with a single craniosacral treatment. We are all indebted to Dr. Brooksby for bringing this important technique to a wider audience.”-C. Normal Shealy, M.D., PhD
Founder, Shealy Institute for Comprehensive Health Care, Founding President, American Holistic Medical Association, Research and Clinical Professor of Psychology, Forest Institute of Professional Psychology.
Robert C Brooksby DO:
Robert Brooksby is the COO of 1950Studios™ and its subsidiary company, Limitless Broadcasting Network™, handing the day to day operations. He earned a degree in Telecommunications with an Emphasis in Digital Marketing and Video Production from Ball State University. He has been in the video production and digital marketing industry for about 15 years now. He has worked for many different production companies including marketing and reality tv, where he was a Production Assistant with a Travel Channel.
In every industry there are triumphs and there are struggles and as Robert has learned through both sides, he decided he wanted to start his own television network to secure his and his families future. His dream for L.B.N. is to become a staple in the industry along with others such as TBS, TNN, and Dreamworks. Through all his life struggles he realized that he could accomplish anything he wanted to if he just put his mind to it.
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